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Asociația Națională a Apicultorilor din Republica Moldova

Beekeeping Articles



The bees will be working hard filling supers. They can still swarm during June, so keep an eye out for swarms. Our major nectar sources will begin to disappear later in the month of June.

There is no need to feed the mature hives. They are gathering plenty of nectar and pollen. You may see the bees hanging out on the front of the hive at night. This is normal. On hot and especially humid evenings, many bees will spend the night outside the hive, clinging to the front of the hive or they may form a beard on the ground in front of the hive. This phenomenon is called "bearding". This would be like you enjoying your cool porch on a hot evening.

Continue to monitor your hive. Inspect your hive every two weeks to ensure the queen is laying well. The bees will need water, so be sure to keep a water source near your hives. Bird baths filled with water will help to ensure that your bees stay out of the dog's water bowl and your neighbor's pool. Some beekeepers maintain their feeders full of water (no syrup) to make it easier for the bees to keep cool.